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Бургасбуc ЕООД/

MAN NG272 #82

11 April 2011 - Burgas, bul. Bulair. Słup po prawej stronie podtrzymuje sieć trolejbusową na nowym odcinku.
Autor: GK
Kommentare: 1

MAN NG272 #A 0115 KK

11 Juli 2008 - Burgas. Bulgaria. Inside a MAN NG coffin on the third stop of the line 211. This is the one with the best looking interior from all the pieces in Burgas. BTW, take a look at the cabin - it's made of parts from Chavdar 141.
Autor: Metzgermeister5

Kommentare: 5

14 Juli 2008 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Now here is a photo of the coffin from the outside. The "bus" is seen on the line number 12, driving on the Struga Boulevard.
Autor: Metzgermeister5

MAN NG272 #A 0391 KH

1 Juni 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. The fastest MAN NG in Burgas on the line number 30, which is already an urban line since a few months. Banevo and Vetren are no longer villages, they are districts now.
Autor: Metzgermeister5

Kommentare: 4

MAN NG272 #A 3556 KC

30 August 2010 - Бургас, Бул. Булаир
Autor: kmk

Oktober 2011 - A3556KС on T2, "Hristo Botev" street.
Autor: micki96

Dezember 2011 - A3556KC just beginning a run on line 8, which goes to Gorno Ezerovo.
Autor: micki96

MAN NG272 #A 6948 КА

18 Februar 2013 - 6948 at the depot
Autor: Nikolay Popov

MAN NG272 #A 9865 KM

10 September 2008 - Burgas, Bulgarien. Ein MAN NG von Burgasbus ist auf Linie 12A. Das Bild ist an einem sonnigen Tag vor dem schönen Meeresgarten unserer Stadt aufgenommen worden.
Autor: peyodp

11 September 2008 - Burgas (Bułgaria), bul. Bulair. Trochę pod słońce, ale ktoś prosił ostatnio o autobusy z Linzu.
Autor: straszny
Kommentare: 2

6 Dezember 2016 - Burgas, Bulgaria. For those from abroad I need to tell that many things about our public transportation have changed in the past 5 years. We got new buses, new trolleybuses, new minibuses, but also new districts as well. In 2015 the villages Cherno more and Rudnik officially became districts of Burgas and since then tickets for route 61 cost 1 leva for all the trip. People from the 2 districts, however, had to take a bitter pill because the new Solaris buses were intended for all the other urban lines and at the time they were ordered, the operator had no intention to use them on this route, so 61 became the only urban route to be operated with old buses. 1 MAN NG272, 2 Mercedes O405G and 1 Setra SG219 were the only articulated buses in Burgas that weren`t Solaris and remained in service only on this route aided by the buses operating on suburban and interurban routes. In the summer of 2016 new ticket-vending system was introduced in all Solaris and Tedom buses with special cards that allow you to change buses unlimited times in the course of 45 minutes, though until all vehicles receive validators, you can still buy a one-time paper ticket from the "conductor". On 26th November public transportation in Burgas received a whole new scheme with many new routes and the new route to Rudnik received the number 6. In addition, 7 Solaris Urbino 18 Metrostyle were delivered not only for the passengers from the new districts, but also for the other routes because the new scheme proved to be in need of a little more units. The new buses have been in operation since mid-February, 2017 and as of today operate only weekdays on route 6 because they have no validators yet and this route along with the two trolleybus and two or three minibus routes is validator-free. This photo was taken on 6th December - the official holiday of Burgas and last year all urban routes were free of charge that day. The picture was taken at the last stop in Rudnik. As of today, the bus is no longer in service, but still with its registration plates. Maintenance of the old articulated buses was very low in their last couple of years, because it was already known that they did not have much left and the roads to Rudnik are God-awful. Of all four buses the MAN looked the worst, especially on its right side - a worn 5-year-old saudage advertisement and many holes from rust on the fenders.
Autor: Metzgermeister5

MAN NG272 #A 9866 KM

14 September 2012 - Bourgas, bul. Hristo Botev.
Autor: Ikarus280

MAN NG272 #A 9869 KM

12 September 2008 - Burgas (Bułgaria), bul. Bulair. Ciekawe co na masce tego wozu robi polska flaga.
Autor: straszny
Kommentare: 7

11 April 2011 - Burgas, bul. Bulair. Autobus dalej nosi flagę RP na masce. Coś musi w tym być, bo takie samo zestawienie flag widziałem na budynku hotelowym w Nesebarze.
Autor: GK

MAN NG272 #A 9871 KM

12 September 2008 - Burgas, bulwar Demokracja. Jeszcze jeden knocik odpowiadający na zapotrzebowanie społeczne ;-) MAN ex-Linz.
Autor: straszny

MAN NG272 #А 9870 КМ

8 Juli 2012 - 17:22, Бургас, улица Цар Петър.
Autor: Konrad Bek
14 September 2012 - Bourgas, bul. Hristo Botev.
Autor: Ikarus280

Kommentare: 1


