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AEC Regent III RT #RT1702
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Hochgeladen: 2018-07-16 15:52:17
Aufnahmeort: Cobham / South East England    
Breite: 1400, Höhe: 959
Dateigröße: 364.60kB
13 April 2014 - Cobham, UK - Brooklands: The Finishing Straight (the place where old racing cars used to slow down at the end of races) is the scene here of an impressive collection of London RT-type buses, lined up at one of the annual rallies held at the London Buse Museum, which shares the same site. The nearest RT, #RT1702, was sent on a tour of eight European cities in 1950 to publicise the 1951 Festival of Britain and carries a `GB` plate on the rear as a memorial. It is one of the few RT type buses to keep the same chassis, body and identity throughout its various overhauls - normally, the bus was separated into parts on arriving at the works, then these parts were put back into a different bus as work was finished, not necessarily at the same time.
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