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Gotha T57 #3


NameGotha T57
(Gotha) /Gotha B/G/T (2xLEW EM 60/600 60kW/82HP ) 22-87 [2-2] (1957-1961)
19581964Schmalspurbahn Klingenthal
19641995PSB Plauen
19952018OVPS Pirna
2019RVSOE Pirna
Anlieferung Ausmusterung Wagennummer
19581964ET 198 05 / Schmalspurbahn Klingenthal
1964199573 / PSB Plauen
199520183 / OVPS Pirna
20193 / RVSOE Pirna
Andere Informationen
1958-1964 Klingenthal

27.02.1995 OVPS


3 Mai 1998 - Bad Schandau. 3+25. Czas na wycieczkę uroczym tramwajem kursującym 8-kilometrową trasą w dolinie Kirnitzschtal w Szwajcarii Saksońskiej.
Autor: straszny
Kommentare: 1

3 Mai 1998 - Kirnitzschtal, Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Skład 3+25 opuszcza końcowy przystanek przy wodospadzie. W sezonie tramwaj kursuje co pół godziny, zimą jedna brygada co 70 minut. Bilet jednorazowy kosztuje 3 €.
Autor: straszny
Kommentare: 2

18 Mai 2005 - Bad Schandau, Stadtpark. The Kirnitzschtalbahn is a metre gauge, gutter-running, single track and passing loop operation of a type now rare. It runs from the small town of Bad Schandau in ‘Saxon Switzerland’ along a narrow, twisting valley that attracts walkers and tourists. Gotha car 3 (ex-Klingenthal Strassenbahn) and trailer 21 wait in Bad Schandau to form the next service to Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Until a few years ago, the trams continued further down the main street into the town centre, but the line was then cut back to a terminus in this small park.
Autor: dvigar
18 Mai 2005 - Kirnitzschtal – Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. At the outer terminus of the Kirnitzschtalbahn there are several methods of separating tourists from their money – restaurants, cafes, bars and shops. There is also this rather scary place where the tram has to creep round a blind corner, facing oncoming traffic. The tram driver issues tickets on the motor car and trailer, stopping the trams in the road whilst he does so.
Autor: dvigar
18 Mai 2005 - Kirnitzschtal - Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Tram 3 shunts trailer 21 in preparation for the return journey. There are no loops, so the motor tram must run round the trailer at each terminus. Trailer 21 is a vehicle constructed from bodywork ex-Leipzig and a chassis ex-Halle. The Kirnitschtalbahn is operated by a local bus company (OVPS), which also operates riverboat services on the nearby River Elbe.
Autor: dvigar
18 Mai 2005 - Bad Schandau, Germany – Stadtpark. The tramway used to continue along the road here, into the centre of Bad Schandau. It would be very nice to bring it back and save a long walk.
Autor: dvigar
18 Mai 2005 - Kirnitzschtal, Germany – Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. A small tip for visiting tram fans – don’t bother to go and see the waterfall, like I did. I’ve seen more exciting ditches.
Autor: dvigar
31 Mai 2009 - Szwajcaria Saksońska. Trójskład Goth rozpoczął półgodzinną podróż wzdłuż Doliny Krzynicy.
Autor: Bogut
Kommentare: 2

8 August 2009 - Bad Schandau, Stadtpark
Autor: Reichenberger
8 August 2009 - Bad Schandau, Pflanzengarten
Autor: Reichenberger
8 August 2009 - Kirnitzschtal, Mittelndorfer Mühle
Autor: Reichenberger
8 August 2009 - Lichtenhain, Nasser Grund
Autor: Reichenberger
30 April 2011 - Bad Schandau, Kurpark. 3+23+21.
Autor: NadzórRuchu

30 April 2011 - Bad Schandau, Kurpark. 3+23+21 i dodatkowo 2.
Autor: NadzórRuchu

30 April 2011 - Bad Schandau, Kirnitzschtalstraße.
Autor: NadzórRuchu

12 Juli 2015 - Kirnitzschtal, Kirnitzschtalstraße.
Autor: Banan
5 Mai 2017 - Kirnitzschtal, Lichtenhainer Wasserfall. Trójskład oczekuje na końcowym przystanku na odjazd do Bad Schandau.
Autor: Sadorg
Kommentare: 4

16 Juli 2021 - Kirnitzschtal, Kirnitzschtalstrasse. 3+25+21.
Autor: mzk804
16 Juli 2021 - Bad Schandau, Kirnitzschtalstrasse. 3+25+21.
Dzień później [okolicę zalało na skutek silnych opadów deszczu].

Autor: mzk804
24 Juni 2023 - Bad Schandau, Kirnitzschtalstraße
Autor: wonneberger1.1


