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Ikarus 260.02 #CT 3919 CC


NameIkarus 260.02
(Ikarus) (Rába D2156HM6U 141kW/192HP 10350cm3) (Csepel S6-90U(6)) 21-97 [4-4-4] (1978-1990)
19942009Unbekannter Eigentümer Стара Загора
20092011Бургасволан Бургас
Anlieferung Ausmusterung Kennzeichen
19942009CT 3919 CC
20092011A 1587 KP


4 Juli 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. I wonder how and why did this fellow get right here in Burgas. And can anyone tell me what language is the written below on?
Autor: Metzgermeister5

Kommentare: 10

6 Juli 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Good news - this veteran right here ain't gonna be scrapped. What's more they have even repainted it :)
Autor: Metzgermeister5

7 Juli 2009 - Burgas, Bulgaria. Here's the ancient Ikarus bus already with Burgasian registration plate at the bus station near the Billa store, surounded by buses of "Burgasvolan". They must be having a conversation. The O405G and one of the O307 buses: "You should join us - that's the only way for you to survive". The second O307 is disagreeing: "Naaah, I don't want this Hungarian jabroni in our gang!" And the Ikarus bus is thinking: "Hmmmm..." Seriously, only time will tell wether "Burgasvolan" is indeed the new owner of the bus or it's just a coincidence that the bus is at this place. This would be one step backwards for the private operator because a few years ago they got rid of all Ikarus and Karosa buses in possession and now after all this time buying another Ikarus 260 bus would be a shame especially on this age. Well, I will keep the "?" for an owner.
Autor: Metzgermeister5

Kommentare: 2


