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MAN NL293 Lion`s City #555


NameMAN NL293 Lion`s City
(MAN) MAN NLxx3 (A37)/MAN NLxx3 Lion`s City (MAN D0836LOH66 213kW/290HP 6871cm3 E6) (Voith D854.6(4)) 27-99 [2-2-2]
2019MZK Opole
Anlieferung Ausmusterung Kennzeichen
2019OP 1365L
Anlieferung Ausmusterung Wagennummer
2019555 / MZK Opole
Andere Informationen
Data pierwszej rejestracji: 26.04.2019


2 Mai 2019 - Opole, Stawowa St. In the background one of the multiple Opole`s volunteer fire departments can be seen.
Autor: no future

Kommentare: 1

15 Juni 2019 - Opole, Friendship Av. northern grade crossing with railway line Bytom - Wrocław. The railway here is about to be modernized. The gatemen booth will be removed as crossing will be operated by a signalman from afar.
Autor: no future

Kommentare: 6

27 Juni 2019 - Opole, Kwoczka St. The bus goes by a Kwoczka - Urbana stop. As can be seen, visual identification of bus stops doesn`t really exist in Opole.
Autor: no future

Kommentare: 6

3 Juli 2019 - Opole, Sołtysów St. Buses from this year`s delivery still smell brand new yet we already have offers in a new FRP. To everyones surprise there are two bidders: of course Man and Solaris. What`s more Solaris is slightly cheaper and offers better warranty. Are we about to witness an end to Man`s monopoly?!
Autor: no future

Kommentare: 2

4 August 2019 - Opole, Kowalczyków St. Line`s 21 detour was much weirder then the one of 3, 11 and 16. At the Rejtana terminus it made a U-turn, came back all the way to Plebiscytowa and went via Fabryczna, Kowalczyków and Mieszka I.
Autor: no future

Kommentare: 4


