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Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

23 März 2011 - Wien (AT) – Tramwaymuseum, Erdberg. The front exit staircase looks a bit tight and awkward, and brings passengers to the front platform, directly alongside the driver.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien

Kommentare: 1

Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

23 März 2011 - Wien (AT) – Tramwaymuseum, Erdberg. Upstairs, you can see the ‘lowbridge’ layout with an offside sunken walkway and four seats in each row. Getting on and off is rather difficult when the bus is full of people!

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien

Kommentare: 4

Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

23 März 2011 - Wien (AT) – Tramwaymuseum, Erdberg. The downstairs of the bus is fairly conventional – but there are two staircases – one to get on and the other to get off.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien

Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

23 März 2011 - Wien (AT) – Tramwaymuseum, Erdberg. This downstairs view shows the three door layout. People without tickets boarded at the rear door, where there is a large area with no seats (like a Peter Witt tram). They then paid at the conductor’s desk on the right and could sit down or go upstairs via the central staircase.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien

Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

23 März 2011 - Wien (AT) – Tramwaymuseum, Erdberg. Some interior views of #9935, one of the huge double deckers kept in the museum (although apparently still owned by Wiener Linien). Here is the driver’s desk.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien

Gräf & Stift DD-2FU #9935

6 Mai 2007 - Wien/Vienna – Erdberg tramway museum. A truly magnificent three-axle double-deck bus that operated in the city from 1961. It is now housed in the Erdberg museum, but still belongs to Wiener Linien.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Aufnahmeort: Wien (Wien) | Eigentümer: WL Wien


