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ABB 1992 Stock #91052
Autor: straphan pledytorRSS (0)
Hochgeladen: 2009-07-20 01:53:09
Aufnahmeort: Chelmsford / East of England    
Breite: 900, Höhe: 600
Dateigröße: 285.05kB
24 Mai 2009 - Central Line, between Roding Valley and Chigwell, Essex. On a lovely may day an empty working runs towards Hainault depot on a very rural stretch of the route operated normally every 15 minutes. The route itself was once a "normal" suburban railway, taken over by London Underground during the "New Works" programme in the late 40s. The eastern portions of the Central Line still feel very much like a railway, thanks to the lovely station buildings and route sections like this one.
en pl gt
Tags: London Underground Underground Central Line


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